Annual Roddey Park HOA Meeting November 21, 2016 @ 6:00pm


The Annual Meeting of the Roddey Park Homeowners Association, Inc. will be held on Monday, November 21, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. at the Housing and Neighborhood Services Building, 150 Johnston Street, Rock Hill, SC 29730.

The purpose of the meeting will be for a True Homes representative to discuss the status of the development and begin the process of appointing a new Advisory Committee, and to get an HOA update from your Community Manager, Pamela Hallisey.

Advisory/Social Committee Applicants:
1) Be able to participate at the meetings to be held at 10 am on Monday every 3 months: February20/May22/August21/November20
2) Only one member per household per committee
3) Must be in good standing with the HOA (current with assessments)
4) Must have clean background / no criminal history

*Official HOA meeting notification letter is being mailed out to everyone this week. Keep an eye out for it!

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